Angur Sirka 500 ML
Angur Sirka,is a panacea for many diseases. - It beneficial in fever, mental troubles and digestive disturances. It removes the toxins present in the body easily. The grape easily controls the increasing acidity in blood. Help for Eye diseases are cured by applying before sleeping. It appears to protect the heart and arteries. It is also beneficial for mothers who do not get enough milk after delivery. It is beneficial in skin diseases.
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Angur Sirka,is a panacea for many diseases. -
It beneficial in fever, mental troubles and digestive disturances.
It removes the toxins present in the body easily.
The grape easily controls the increasing acidity in blood.
Help for Eye diseases are cured by applying before sleeping.
It appears to protect the heart and arteries.
It is also beneficial for mothers who do not get enough milk after delivery.
It is beneficial in skin diseases.
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