Brahmi Ghrutham (Ghrit) (Nagarjuna Herbal)
Brahmi Ghrutham (Ghrit) (Nagarjuna Herbal)
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Indication: Brahmi
stimulates the brain cells and gives better memory and
functional skills. It is one of the potent herb which is a brain tonic
to enhance memory power and brain functions. As Directed by the physician.
(Each 10 ml is prepared out of:)
Oficial Name (Botanical/Scientific
Name) Part Used-Qty.
Pst of- Shundi (Zingiber officinale) Rz.-0.078 g.
Maricham (Piper nigrum) Sd-0.078
Fepol (Piper longum) F-0.078 g.
Shyooma (Operculina turpethum) -0.078 g. T (Upertuline turperhum) Rr.-0.078 g
Danthi (Baliospermum montanum) Rt. 0.078 & Shonktu pushpum (Citoria tematea)
Rr.-0.078 g. Nrupodrumam (Cassia Bale) 9.5-0.078 g. Sapthalam (Jasminum
officinale) PL-0.078 g KuniharamEmbalabes) Sd-0.078g.
Jce of-Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Pl-27.600 g Gram
Dosage: 1 tablespoonful twice daily or as directed by
the physician.
Ref.: An Ayurvedic /Prop. Medicine
Mfg. 69/25-D/88
Type: Classical Medicine
Keep out of reach of children.
Low Risk of Breakage Food Grade
Plastic Bottle
Important Note:
Some people pronounce it as Brahmi
Ghrutham, or Brahmee Grit, Bhramhmi Ghrit, Or Brami Ghrith, so these are
different pronunciations of same.
zaimboo, zamboo, zambu
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