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Bang Bhasma
Bang Bhasma (Vang Bhasma) is prepared from Tin Metal with calcination process including SHODHANA, MARDANA and MARNA. These processes make Tin Metal micro fine and make usable for medicinal purposes. However, Vanga Bhasma should be well prepared because Raw Bang Bhasma may have side effects of Tin Metal Intake. The well-processed Bang Bhasma should only be used for therapeutic purposes.Bang Bhasma is beneficial in diseases of male and female reproductive system. Its effects appear on uterus, ovaries, testes and genitals. Bang Bhasma is highly beneficial in adrenal gland diseases especially adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency.
Ingredients (Composition) of Bang Bhasma
Shuddha Bang (vang) or Purified Tin Metal is the main ingredient of the Bang Bhasma. It is also processed with several herbs and preparation method may be different according to the different classical texts.
Therapeutic Indications of Bang Bhasma
Bang Bhasma is beneficial in following health conditions
- Urinary Disorders
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Bad Smell From The Mouth
- Anovulation
- Amenorrhea
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Menopause
- Leucorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea
- Excessive Uterine Bleeding
- Frequent urination
- Male reproductive organ diseases
Indication-As Directed by the Ayurvedic Physician How To use -As Directed by the Ayurvedic Physician zaimboo, zamboo, zambu
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