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Unjha Haridra (Haldi) Ghanvati

HARIDRA GHANVATI ALSO KNOWN AS HARIDRA VATI HALDI TABLET HARIDRA TABLET HALDI GHAN VATI HALDI GHANVATI HARIDRA GHAN VATI HALDI (Curcumin NLT 5.0 %) We use turmeric (Haridra) every day in regular meals. It has countless medicinal properties. But we usually take quantity according to the taste of our food. Haridra Ghanvati fulfills the requirement that is needed for the treatment of the disease. Standard extract of turmeric is used to make Haridra Ghanvati. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases like itching,skin rash, ringworm, acne & pimple. By taking Haridra Ghanvati, immunity increases, and we are able to provide protection to yourself and our family against infectious diseases. INDICATION : Enhances the immunity Helpful in skin problem Allergies Rhinitis DOSE: 1 - 2 Tablet twice a day with water or as directed by the physician . PACKING : 60 TAB COMPOSITION: Each Uncoated Tablet Contains: Ingredients Botanical name Wt.(mg.) Haridra Ghan Curcuma longa 350 Excipients Q.S.

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