Uricnil Capsule (Pack of 60 Capsules)
Composition :
Arandmool Ghanstav (Ricinuscommuins) 30 mg.
Giloy Ghansatav (Tinosporacordifolia) 90 mg.
Gokhu Ghansatav (Tribulusterresteris) 40 mg.
PunernavaGhansatav (Boerhaviadiffusa) 40 mg.
Babool Ghansatav (Acalianilotica) 20 mg
Salai Guggal (Bosweliaserrata) 50 mg
Howber (Juniperuscommunis) 30 mg.
Trivi (Ipomoea turpethum) 50 mg.
Triphla (A.F.I. 7:15) 50 mg
South (Zingiberofficinale) 50 mg.
Lahsun (Allium sativum) 50 mg.
This is a poly herbal formulation created specifically to improve the health of Joints like shoulders, knees, etc. it is commonly seen that beyond 25 years there is swelling in joints which leads to inflammation and at times cause problems like Frozen Shoulder, swelling in joints of fingers and toes causing discomfort and pain to the patient. This problem is more pronounced in women than men and inflammation is one of the major causes of poor lifestyle among the middle age population.
Uricnil capsule with ingredients like Shallaki, Ginger, Garlic, Giloy and other potent ayurvedic herbs promotes wellness by reducing the buildup of protein crystals in the joints and also gives nourishment to muscles so that they are suppler and thus has ease of movement and flexibility. It also helps the digestive system of the user thus reducing the free radicals in the system. Shallaki helps in regulation of the auto immune responses in the body thus helping in controlling problems like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc. It also has anti inflammatory properties which is very desirable in the above condition. Other ingredients like Ginger and Garlic are age old remedies known to alleviate pain and gastric troubles.
It has no known contra indications and is safe for use by adults, both male and female alike.
Indication :Useful in Gout pains, Frozen shoulder, inflamed and Swollen joints and controls uric acid.
Dosage :1-2 Caps. Twice a day with water or as directed by the physician.
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